Monday, June 29, 2020

Inquiry Presentation

Today my buddy Mao and Me presented our Inquiry presentation and we were talking about Rosa Parks and she was a civil right leader. She was a confident civil right leader though. She is one of my Favourite Civil right leader because she even refused to give up her seat to a non coloured person that was on the same bus as her.

Here is our Video that has been edited and I would like to thank Brendan and Sofaia for helping with questions to come up with for our quiz and yeah thanks.
Hope you enjoy the video Presentation:

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Game

Teams: Sandringham and Marlborough
Edinburgh and Windsor

Yesterday at lunchtime the boys from Wesley Intermediate played Rugby league and it was actually a good time watching them play. It was Edinburgh and Windsor winning at first when I watching the game but then Sandringham and Marlborough was coming in the lead after a few wins. It was good watching the boys from Wesley play Rugby league. I enjoyed watching because we got to support our class mates and the boys from different classes.
Here's a little picture:

Friday, June 12, 2020

Class Debate

Woww, Today Room 2 had a class debate about Why students are allowed to bring phones to class? 
The group I was in was hard to think about why we should because it is obvious knowing that students are definitely not allowed phones because of... 
1) Distraction ( During a test or something really important someone calls you and you already know that your gonna pick up the phone and answer the call ) 
2) Cheating ( During a Math test or basic facts test you can just get your phone out and use your calculator )
3) Fights ( If there is a fight someone might call there gang to come and then everything just goes from something small to something big bringing other people to come fight for you )

There was also why we should be allowed and our group swapped with other group so they did Why students are allowed to bring phones to classes and the group I was in we did why we disagree for students to not bring phones to classes and school. It was kind of hard because when we swapped we thought it would be easy but it was really hard to think but then we came up with some ideas which were...
1) Family emergency's ( When the office is trying to get a hold of your parents but they don't pick up but then there is always a back up idea to use students own phones to try see if they will pick up the call )
2) Let your parents know where you are ( So when your parents probably have bad memories but you told them you having training or your going to be somewhere and they say yes but they actually forget you can call and remind them again. ) 
3) Lockdown ( When there is a shooting when it's coming to the end of the day and it is almost home time you can text your parents and let them know because some parents get worried about how long you take getting from school to home ) 
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed and have a great day!! 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Back to school??

Today wasn't really the best day because I really wanted to stay home but I had to go school because my Parents forced me too. It wasn't really fun because it felt weird to going back to school and because the Teacher who teaches in the class I'm in wasn't at school today but I enjoyed a little bit of school day today. 
Thank You!!😂😂